Hammond Migration

Skilled Migration


We draw on our experience to assess your visa options and advise on pathways to move to or remain in Australia. These include permanent visa options for people who are not sponsored by an employer, but possess skills in occupations that are high in demand nationally or in a particular State or Territory.

Skills Assessments

​All Skilled visas require a formal assessment of skills called a Skills Assessment. This is generally a paper-based assessment. For some occupations, the Skill Assessment can be more complex than the visa process itself, and we highly recommend seeking advice. We routinely assist clients with these applications to all authorities including VETASSESS, Engineers Australia, Trades Recognition Australia, CPA/CAANZ/IPA, ANMAC, AITSL and the Australian Computer Society. 

Expression of Interest

The Expression of Interest (EOI) is the key statement of skills, qualifications and employment history, and the basis for calculating points for the Skilled visa. We can ensure that you claim all the points you are entitled to, to give you the best chance of securing an invitation and obtaining the Skilled visa.

State Nomination

If you are seeking State/Territory Nomination to support your Skilled visa application, we can assist by advising of the state’s specific requirements, and guiding you through the application process. The State/Territory rules change frequently, and we recommend up-to-date advice on how these rules benefit you.

Skilled visa application

Once you have your Skill Assessment, State/Territory nomination and/or an invitation based on points, we get to the good bit, lodging your application for a permanent or 5-year provisional Skilled visa. As we ensure that all the stages to this point have been done properly, getting the Skilled visa should be a breeze!

Temporary Graduate (485) visa

The Temporary Graduate (485) visa can help bridge the time between your Student visa and a permanent visa in Australia. This pathway allows you to gain Australian work experience, which is key to opening up further options to live and work in Australia. Applicants are generally required to be under 35 years old at the time of application, though exceptions apply for groups such as Hong Kong and British National Overseas passport holders, as well as graduates with higher degrees who can apply up to the age of 50. 

The Temporary Graduate (485) visa has two streams:
  • The Post-Vocational Education stream (previously known as the Graduate Work stream) is designed for graduates who have completed vocational training programs such as associate degrees, diplomas, or trade qualifications. This stream allows you lets you live, study and work in Australia temporarily.  Applicants may be granted a visa for up to 18 months.
  • The Post-Study work stream is open to international student who complete a qualification in a higher education field. This visa can be granted for up 2-4 years depending on the qualification obtained
Additionally, Indian nationals may qualify for extended durations on the 485 visa. As per the Australia India – Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI-ECTA), the length of stay for Indian nationals is as follows:
  • Bachelor degree (including honours) – 2 years
  • Bachelor degree (with first class honours in STEM, including ICT) – 3 years
  • Masters (coursework, extended and research) – 3 years
  • Doctoral degrees (PhD) – 4 years
This visa pathway has specific requirements at the time of application which should be followed to avoid issues.

Training (407) visa

The Training (407) visa allows you to undertake workplace-based occupational training activities to improve your skills for your job, area of tertiary study, field of expertise or in a professional development training program in Australia.

For an assessment if these options are suitable for you, please tell us about yourself for schedule a consultation.

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