Hammond Migration

Relationship Evidence

Provide these documents in support of your visa application

  • Form 888 is a declaration from individuals who are Australian citizens or permanent residents and have personal knowledge of your relationship and support your claim that the relationship is genuine and continuing. Please inform the person completing the Form 888 regarding your relationship that they may be contacted by the Department in processing your visa. The person completing the Form 888 will be asked to confirm details in the form and other matters regarding your relationship.
  • 1-2 page statement about history of relationship including when met, how the relationship formed and present living arrangements

3) Registering your relationship

  • If we have recommended that you register your relationship to meet the partner relationship requirements, please follow the instructions in our email and apply to register as soon as possible

4) Financial evidence

  • Joint ownership of real estate or other major assets such as cars, shares, or appliances Examples: Property ownership documents, rates notices, share portfolio summaries, dividends, vehicle registration documents
  • Joint liabilities such as shared loans, insurance (car, home, contents or other) or personal loans Examples: Loan statements, insurance policy documents
  • Joint bank account statements Statement showing date account was opened as well as recent statements
  • Other evidence of finance sharing Examples: Money transfers, direct debits, other evidence of financial support provided to each other

5) Household evidence

  • Joint tenancy or home ownership documents for the residence in which you live together or investment properties
  • Examples: Land title, Rates Notice from council, tenancy/lease agreement, receipts for bond and rent payments, statement from landlord/property owner regarding your living arrangements
  • Joint utilities accounts and other bills
    Examples: Gas, phone, electricity, internet, Pay TV, gym membership, subscriptions accounts and letters
  • Letters and correspondence addressed to you and your spouse/partner at the same address
    Examples: Letters or cards sent by family members, friends, government departments or other sources

6) Social evidence

  • Evidence that you and your partner are accepted as a couple socially spouse/partner
  • Examples: Joint invitations to social events, photos taken during social outings, social media profiles
  • Evidence of participating in social activities
    Examples: Hotel bookings, tickets, photos (5-10)
  • Evidence of joint travel
    Examples: Hotel bookings, itineraries, boarding passes, photos (5- 10), travel insurance

7) Commitment evidence

  • Separation contact documents (if separated since commencement of relationship) Examples: Letters, emails, phone and chat records (no more than 2 pages)
  • Long-term commitment documents Examples: Evidence of pregnancy, receipt for purchase of engagement ring, pets pictures

Children included in the application

1) Children’s Relationship to Primary Applicant

To demonstrate a child’s relationship to a parent, please provide:

  1.  A Birth Certificate showing the primary applicant or their spouse as the parent; or
  2. Adoption papers (originals plus full translation in English); or
  3. Other evidence of the right to include the child in the visa application.

For children over the age of 18, you should provide evidence of current study. In most cases, children over 23 cannot be included in the application.

2) Authority to include children where others have ‘custody’ or ‘access’

Where another party has access or custody of children by virtue of biological or legal relationships you will need to obtain their consent. To do this, you should complete a copy of Form 1229 and have the other party sign the document and provide a colour copy of their photo identification (eg. passport, driver license)

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